
Skippy's Dungeon of Dragons: Part I

Dungeons & Dragons is something that I’ve had a relationship with since I was a little kid.  My older brothers both played, so I was around it from the time I was old enough to read.  The amount of time I’ve spent reading D&D rulebooks, especially the Monster Manual and its ilk, is almost embarrassing.  To this day, I could probably quote most of the rules for 2nd Edition from memory.  Thing is, none of my childhood friends ever actually wanted to play. 

I managed to sporadically play in college, but the longest-running D&D game I’ve ever been a part of  is a 5th Edition campaign that started in December of 2017.  At the time of this writing, this campaign is about 8 sessions old.  My players are The Wife, Some Guy Named Greg, and our friend Jordan.  I, Skippy, am the Dungeon Master.

We have fun…mostly. 

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