We talk Deadpool 2 (no spoilers), the Royal Wedding (Kind of), interbreeding in Star Wars, and then a bunch of TV shows (Westworld, The Last O.G., and more) and Cartoons (Thundercats Roar, Rise of TMNT, Transformers, and more).
dungeons & Dragons
J.A.T.H.E. | 2018/03/04: Strappin' On Endor
We (vaguely) talk Star Wars Rebels, play two different trivia games (one about early D&D items, and the other about the history of video games consoles), and play a weird round of Undebeatable (featuring a Marvel second stringer who is possessed by the spirit of Vengeance and a galactic hero who is from a distant past as well as a distant galaxy.)
Skippy's Dungeon of Dragons: Part I
Dungeons & Dragons is something that I’ve had a relationship with since I was a little kid. My older brothers both played, so I was around it from the time I was old enough to read. The amount of time I’ve spent reading D&D rulebooks, especially the Monster Manual and its ilk, is almost embarrassing. To this day, I could probably quote most of the rules for 2nd Edition from memory. Thing is, none of my childhood friends ever actually wanted to play.
I managed to sporadically play in college, but the longest-running D&D game I’ve ever been a part of is a 5th Edition campaign that started in December of 2017. At the time of this writing, this campaign is about 8 sessions old. My players are The Wife, Some Guy Named Greg, and our friend Jordan. I, Skippy, am the Dungeon Master.
We have fun…mostly.
Read MoreJ.A.T.H.E. | 2017/12/31: Sam-Rex
Recorded on New Years Eve, we talk residual Star Wars feelings, comic books, Game of Thrones, Dungeons & Dragons, The Shape of Water, as well as a round of undebeatable (featuring an iconic 90's movie monster and a post-apocalyptic one-armed warrior). The last half of the show is spent discussing and comparing the on-screen kill counts for several action stars. Credit to the blog All Outta Bubblegum for most of the stats we used.