We ramble through a bizarre grouping of topics including Stephen Hawking, Mick Foley, Terry Gilliam, Gross People, Stardew Valley, the Legend of Korra, Death Wish, Walker Texas Ranger, Sonic Mania, Monster Hunter, and some other stuff. We also play a trivia game based on movie posters.
Chuck Norris
J.A.T.H.E. | 2017/12/31: Sam-Rex
Recorded on New Years Eve, we talk residual Star Wars feelings, comic books, Game of Thrones, Dungeons & Dragons, The Shape of Water, as well as a round of undebeatable (featuring an iconic 90's movie monster and a post-apocalyptic one-armed warrior). The last half of the show is spent discussing and comparing the on-screen kill counts for several action stars. Credit to the blog All Outta Bubblegum for most of the stats we used.