
S01E15: The Highlander Franchise / Stupid Stuff We Did Because We Saw It On TV / What We've Been Watching

Remember Highlander? We sure do, sometimes. We also talk about the stupid stuff we did as kids because we saw it on TV or in a movie. Plus: What we've been watching.

02:00 - What We've Been Watching
20:25 - stupid stuff you did because you saw it on TV or in a movie
30:30 - the Highlander franchise

Email: podcastthatchallengedtheworld@gmail.com

"Dvorak Polka" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

J.A.T.H.E. | 2018/07/29: That's How Ya Batman

The final four of our fictional fighting tournament UNDEBEATABLE is finally here. Before that, we talk animal eccentricities, D&D, Magic the Gathering, No Man's Sky, Castlevania, X-Men, Titans, and more.

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